
React only docs section

This section is required only if you use statek with React. If you want to use plain version of statek, feel free to skip this chapter


This section uses parts of the code created in previous tutorial parts.

Now as our store is created and have some helpers methods attached, we can create React component that will read from it and update itself each time used value changes.

Let's start by creating simple Todos component that shows todos count

const todos = store({
list: [], // data from previous chapter
const Todos = view(() => {
return <div>You have {todos.list.length} todos.</div>;

Note that we've wrapped our component function inside view


Each component using the store has to be wrapped with view

Exception from this rule is covered in 3rd-party components section

Now let's add a new todo to our store

todos.add({ name: 'C', status: 'todo', owner: 'Anna' });

after we do this, Todos view will re-render showing new count!

Changing store inside the component

Our view can modify the store during some event etc. exactly the same way as we would modify the store outside of the component:

const todos = store({ count: 1 });
const Todos = view(() => {
return (
<div>You have {todos.list.length} todos.</div>
onClick={() => {
todos.add({ name: 'C', status: 'todo', owner: 'Anna' });
Add new todo

Nested components using the same store

Let's introduce Todo component that will display single todo info inside our Todos component

const Todo = view(({ todo }) => {
return (
Todo {} ({todo.status})
const Todos = view(() => {
return (
{ => {
return <Todo todo={todo} key={} />;
onClick={() => {
todos.add({ name: 'C', status: 'todo', owner: 'Anna' });
Add new todo

Now, if we'll modify only one task:

todos.updateTodo(1, { name: 'Foo' });

Only one <Todo /> component that rendered Todo with id 1 will re-render.

Any other Todo and Todos component itself will not re-render as this change didn't impact them.


View components are automatically memo components