

This section uses parts of the code created in previous tutorial parts.

Selectors without arguments

Selectors allows us to perform some expensive calculations and reuse results multiple times.

Let's say we want to calculate count of finished todos on our list.

Example without selectors

const CompletedTodosCount = view(() => {
const completedTodos = todos.list.filter(todo => todo.status === 'done');
return <div>Count of completed todos is {completedTodos.length}</div>;

This will work just fine, but it is possible that we'll want to use result of the same calculation in another place.

Let's say we want to get remainig todos as well.

const RemainingTodosCount = view(() => {
const completedTodos = todos.list.filter(todo => {
return todo.status === 'done';
const totalTodos = todos.list.length;
const remainingTodos = totoalTodos - completedTodos;
return <div>Count of remaining todos is {remainingTodos.length}</div>;

As you might see, in both 2 above cases, we will compute list of completed tasks each time todo list is changed.

Create first selector

Let's try to solve this problem by introducing selector.

import { selector } from 'statek';
const completedTodosCount = selector(() => {
return todos.list.filter(todo => todo.status === 'done').length;

And now use this selector value in 2 code examples we've written above:

const CompletedTodosCount = view(() => {
return <div>Count of completed todos is {completedTodosCount.value}</div>;


const RemainingTodosCount = view(() => {
return (
Count of remaining todos is{' '}
{todos.list.length - completedTodosCount.value}

To read selector value, call selector.value instead of selector

Our code got a lot shorter and also calculation of how many tasks are completed will always happen only once after todos list update.


If selector reads any value from the store - it will automatically re-calculate it's value if such store value changes.

Selectors with arguments

Quite often we need to provide some additional input to the selector. Selector families are created for exactly this use case.

Let's create selector that returns todos by their status. Note now we'll return list of requested todos instead of count of them.

import { selectorFamily } from 'statek';
const todosByStatus = selectorFamily(status =>
todos.list.filter(todo => todo.status === status),

Now, we can start using such selector family like:

todosByStatus('done').value.length; // will output count of finished tasks

Selectors are used the same way in watch reactions and view components

Selectors are caching their values, so calling


Will trigger selector function to be called only once.


Selectors are caching their value until any store (or other selector) value they use changes.

Multiple arguments

Any selector family can accept multiple arguments

const todosForOwner = selectorFamily((owner, status) => {
return todos.list.filter(todo => {
return todo.owner === owner && todo.status === status;
// Later on
todosForOwner('Anna', 'done').value;

Combining selectors

In example above, we're again checking status of every single todo. Let's reuse selector we've created previously:

const todosForOwner = selectorFamily((owner, status) => {
// get all todos with requested status from previous selector.
const todosToCheck = todosByStatus(status).value;
// filter for owner only those returned by selector
return todosToCheck.filter(todo => {
return todo.owner === owner && todo.status === status;
Arguments must be serializable

Arguments passed to selectors must be serializable. You can pass any set of arguments that is JSON like - plain objects, arrays, primitives like strings, numbers etc.

const someSelector = selectorFamily(callbackFunction => {
// some calculations
someSelector(() => 'foo').value; // will throw an error!

Such selector is incorrect and will throw, when called with function as an argument.