Api - statek


Will delay informing any reactions or components about write operations during the end of the call

batch(() => {
// Reactions or components watching store.value will be delayed unitl the end of this callback


Will not watch any read operations during provided callback

dontWatch(() => {
// will not record read operations during this call


Will make any store changes performed during the call ignore schedulers of watch reactions, even if they have any

const myStore = store({ count: 1 });
() => {
scheduler: 'async',
sync(() => {
// Will be picked by above reaction ignoring async scheduler

Read operations during sync call are still batched


Will flush each change to the store made during this callback instantly, ignoring any reactions schedulers

const myStore = store({ count: 1 });
() => {
scheduler: 'async',
sync(() => {
// Above reaction will be instantly called each time we change the value
// Above reaction will be instantly called each time we change the value


Explicit flag required to call watch during another watch reaction. If trying to call watch inside another watch outside of this callback, error will be thrown

import { allowNestedWatch } from 'statek';
watch(() => {
// ...some code
const stop = allowNestedWatch(() =>
watch(() => {
// ... some other code
// !!! Always remember to stop nested reactions when needed!


Allows creating custom async scheduler. Useful if we want to wrap all reactions calls inside 3rd party callbacks such as React's batched updates.


By default, all reactions in @statek/react are batched and wrapped inside react batched updates so using it manually is not required.



Creates new selector (which does not accept any input arguments)

const myStore = store({ count: 1 });
const isBig = selector(() => myStore.count > 10);
isBig.value; // outputs false
watch(() => {
// will be called only when isBig value changes between true and false


const myStore = store({ count: 1 });
const isBig = selector(async () => {
return api.isNumberBig(myStore.count);
isBig.value; // if used outside of reaction or render - will throw selector promise
watch(() => {
// will suspend until selector resolves and then call reaction again.
watch(async () => {
// it is not allowed to read .value of async selector inside async reactions.
// use selector.promise instead
const result = await isBig.promise;


Creates new 'family' of selectors which can accept any amount of input arguments

const todos = store({
list: [
{ id: 1, name: 'A', status: 'done', owner: 'Anna' },
{ id: 2, name: 'B', status: 'todo', owner: 'Tom' },
const completedTodosCount = selector(() => {
return todos.list.filter(todo => todo.status === 'done').length;

And now use this selector value in 2 code examples we've written above:

const CompletedTodosCount = view(() => {
return <div>Count of completed todos is {completedTodosCount.value}</div>;


Will request all provided selectors to prepare their values if they're not ready yet.

If called during watch reaction or react component render, will also group any async selectors suspense's into single one

const todoComments = selectorFamily(async todoId => {
const comments = await todoApi.getComments(todoId);
return comments;
const todoAttachments = selectorFamily(async todoId => {
const attachments = await todoApi.getAttachments(todoId);
return attachments;
import { warmSelectors } from 'statek';
const OpenedTodoInfo = view(() => {
const { openedTodoId } = todos;
if (!openedTodoId) {
// Both selectors will start fetching their values now and suspend if needed
warmSelectors(todoComments(openedTodoId), todoAttachments(openedTodoId));
// Next time this reaction reaches this point,
// we're guaranteed both selectors have their values ready to read.
const comments = todoComments(openedTodoId).value;
const attachments = todoAttachments(openedTodoId).value;
return (
We have ${comments.length}) comments and ${attachments.length} attachments


interface SelectorOptions {
// Will change selector function name. Might be useful for debugging
name?: string;
// Decide whether or not selector should instantly start calculating it's value when created
// Defaults to false
lazy?: boolean;
// Either 'silent' or 'reset' - will decide how async selectors will updat it's value
// silent - will await new value while keeping old value and then swap them
// reset - will remove existing value (causing all reactions using it to reset) and start calculating new one
updateStrategy?: UpdateStrategy;


type UpdateStrategy = 'silent' | 'reset';


Will return raw, not observable object corresponding to observable counterpart

const input = { count: 1 };
const myStore = store(input);
getStoreRaw(myStore) === input; // true


Will return true if provided object is observable store

const myStore = store(input);
isStore(myStore); // true


Will create new observable store or return existing one for provided input.

Input can be either object or function returning object

type StoreFactory<T extends object> = T | (() => T);
function store<T>(input: StoreFactory<T>): T;


function manualWatch<A extends any[], R>(
lazyWatcher: ManualReactionCallback<A, R>,
onWatchedChange?: () => void,
options?: ReactionOptions,
): ManualReaction<A, R>;
type ManualReaction<A extends any[], R> = ManualReactionCallback<A, R> & {
stop(): void;
type ManualReactionCallback<A extends any[], R> = (...args: A) => R;

Will create reaction that can be manually called.

First argument is reaction callback that we can manually call.

2nd argument is callback that will be called each time when any store value used in last call changed

const callReaction = manualWatch(
multiplier => {
return myStore.count * multiplier;
() => {
// change callback
console.log('any store value used by reaction changed!');
// We have to manually call the reaction for the first time


Will create new reaction that automatically calls itself each time store values used during last call is changed

function watch(
watchCallback: ReactionCallback,
options?: ReactionOptions,
): () => void;
const myStore = store({ count: 1 });
watch(() => {
// Changes will cause reaction to call itself again


function watchAllChanges(
storePart: object,
callback: ReactionCallback,
options?: ReactionOptions,
): () => void;

Requires 2 arguments. First is any store (any part of the store is store as well) and 2nd is callback that will be called every time any value of provided store changes


interface ReactionOptions {
// allows changing the moment reaction will be called after store values it uses are changed
scheduler?: SchedulerInput;
// Will be passed as 'this' argument during watch reaction call
context?: any;
// Debug helper
name?: string;
// Called every time any selector used during the reaction starts to silently update itself
onSilentUpdate?: EventCallback<Promise<any>>;


type SchedulerInput = 'sync' | 'async' | ReactionScheduler;


type ReactionScheduler = (
reaction: (),
) => Promise<void> | void;


function createAsyncScheduler(
wrapper?: (task: Task) => Promise<void> | void,
): ReactionScheduler;
type Task = () => void;

Allows creating custom async scheduler tha

import { unstable_batchedUpdates } from 'react-dom';
export const reactScheduler = createAsyncScheduler(task => {
// will be called on next frame, calling task() will flush all pending reactions
unstable_batchedUpdates(() => {


type ReactionCallback = () => void;


type ManualReactionCallback<A extends any[], R> = (...args: A) => R;