

Works the same way as regular watch method, excepts it'll automatically stop listening to changes when component unmounts

const myStore = store({ count: 1 });
useWatch(() => {

You can also provide 2nd argument will will force watch to be restarted. It works the same way as 2nd argument in useEffect hook.

const myStore = store({ count: 1 });
function User({ userId }) {
useWatch(() => {
console.log(`Count is ${myStore.count} and current user is ${userId}`);
}, [userId]);

Use 2nd argument only for values that are not parts of the store.


Creates 'local' version of the store that is memoized between renders.

function User({ userId }) {
const store = useStore(() => ({ count: 1 }));
// use store the same way as if it was created outside of the component


Sometimes you want to re-render component only for specific sort of store updates.

Let's say we have store with todo list and info about which todo is currently opened

const todos = store({
list: [], // array of todos
openedTodoId: null, // can be null or id of todo

Now we have component responsible for displaying single todo:

const Todo = view(({ todo }) => {
const isOpened = todo.id === todos.openedTodoId;
if (isOpened) {
// render detailed content
// ...

In such case - Todo component would re-render very time openedTodoId is changed, even if it was not opened before and after the change.

We can modify our code:

const Todo = view(({ todo }) => {
const isOpened = useSelected(() => todo.id === todos.openedTodoId);
if (isOpened) {
// render detailed content
// ...

With this simple change - our component will still check if it is opened now after each openedTodoId change, but will re-render only if returned value changes.


This hook is useful if we need to provide store value into 3rd party component we cannot wrap with view

const DashboardPanel = view(() => {
return (
{/** TableComponent is not created by us */}
<TableComponent data={store.usersData}>

In such case, if .usersData changes - DashboardPanel will not re-render as it is not using it directly.

DashboardPanel will not re-render as well as it is not wrapped with view.

In such case we can modify our code:

const DashboardPanel = view(() => {
return (
{/** TableComponent is not created by us */}
<TableComponent data={store.usersData}>

Now, every time any part of store.usersData is changed, DashboardPanel will re-render.


Sometimes we want to keep some sort of local state during watching of the store. Let's say we have store:

const myStore = store({ count: 0 });

and we watch it, but we only want to output new information to the console on every 10th change.

We can accomplish it like:

// We provide function that returns watching function.
useStatefulWatch(() => {
// Here we initialize our 'state'.
// Note that store values read here will not be watched.
let updatesSinceReset = 0;
// here we can start watching the store
return () => {
const currentCount = myStore.count;
const isCritical = currentCount > 4000;
if (isCritical) {
// log every time count is bigger than 4000.
console.log(`Count is critical!`);
if (updatesSinceReset > 10) {
`Count is normal - ${currentCount}. Will log again after 10 changes.`,
updatesSinceReset = 0;