
Statek is easy-to-use state management library that connects advantages of reactive and declarative programming.

Main builting block is the store

import { store } from 'statek';
const todos = store({
list: [
{ id: 1, name: 'A', status: 'done', owner: 'Anna' },
{ id: 2, name: 'B', status: 'todo', owner: 'Tom' },

That can be instantly used inside react components (views) and watch reactions

const Todos = view(() => {
return <div>Current todos count is {todos.list.length}</div>;

Each time used value changes in the store, reaction will run again or component will re-render.


Selectors makes it possible to derieve some data from the store or provided input arguments and re-use it many times without selector being called again.

import { selectorFamily } from 'statek';
const todosByStatus = selectorFamily(status =>
todos.list.filter(todo => todo.status === status),
const TodosCountForStatus = view(({ status }) => {
return <div>Current todos count is {todosByStatus(status).value.length}</div>;

Async selectors

It is also trivial to create async-selectors and read their output sync-like

const todos = store({
list: [
{ id: 1, name: 'A', status: 'done', owner: 'Anna' },
{ id: 2, name: 'B', status: 'todo', owner: 'Tom' },
openedTodoId: 1,
const todoComments = selectorFamily(async todoId => {
const comments = await todoApi.getComments(todoId);
return comments;
const OpenedTodoComments = view(() => {
return (
Opened todo has {todoComments(todos.openedTodoId).value.length} comments